Extresol Solar Power Station
8:56 AM
Posted by Energetic

The solar thermal power plant will be formed by three different systems: Extresol 1, Extresol 2 and Extresol 3, of 50 MW each, due to the power limitation of 50 MW per plant established by the Spanish legislation.
Extrasol has a thermal storage system which absorbs part of the heat produced in the solar field during the day and stores it in molten salts.
Extresol 1 costed around 300 M€ and was inagurated the 25th of February 2009.With EXTRESOL 1 connection, ACS-Cobra becomes the world leader in commercially operating STE (CSP) plants, with a total operating capacity of 150 MW.
As its predecessors ANDASOL 1 and 2, EXTRESOL 1 has a 7.5-hour molten salts storage, which allows a wide dispatchability possibilities to adapt its operation to the grid demand.
ACS-Cobra is presently building another 4 plants with the same basic technology, applying lessons learned in the first projects to improve constructability, performance and/or reduce installation and operation and maintenance costs in these plants.
By 2011, ACS will complete the first set of plants totalling 350 MW of dispatchable power.
ACS, through its 100% subsidiary Cobra, is the EPC contractor in association with SENER of the 17 MW GEMASOLAR central tower project, using molten salts as working and storage fluid with 15-hour capacity, that is presently in advanced construction and will be operational next year.
ACS is actively pursuing, both as shareholder and constructor, projects in the USA, South America, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, Australia, the Gulf countries and China.